A simple understanding of dAppOS: Intent-centric infrastructure Paradigm proposed an intent-centric narrative, and Polychain and projects also promoted its implementation, one of which is dAppOS invested by PolyChain. dAppOS is an intent-centric project. Polychains previous investment in Celestial promoted the modular track, the investment in Eigenlayer promoted the re-staking track, and the investment in TAO promoted the AI track. Can the investment in dAppOS this time promote the development of the intent track? Only time can tell us the answer. How to understand the intent-centric narrative of dAppOS? There are several points worth noting: 1. dAppOS is an intent execution network and an infrastructure to improve user experience. dAppOS itself is not complicated to understand. It is an intent execution network that creates a two-sided market. The reason why this two-sided market exists is that there are some obstacles between the results that users want and the complexity of execution. Through this intent execution network, dAppOS helps users get the final results without consuming complex intermediate execution, improving user experience; at the same time, it also allows service providers who help complete tasks to get corresponding income. This is a win-win market. Through dAppOS, users can use their assets in various dApps on various chains, use any assets to pay gas fees, and complete all transactions with one signature without paying attention to intermediate operations. Examples like these are a major improvement to the current user experience. With the increasing complexity of defi, the existence of multiple L2s and multiple chains, and the increase in various intermediate operation steps in the crypto field, this bilateral market that simplifies user experience has a growing demand. From the above description, it can be seen that dAppOS is an underlying infrastructure. Based on the task execution network, a variety of user-centered intent products can be built to enhance the user experience in the crypto field. 2. dAppOSs Intent Task Framework So far, dAppOS has three intent task frameworks: intent assets, intent transactions, and intent-centered dApp interactions. Perhaps in the future, more task frameworks will be generated based on the scale and urgency of user needs. * Intent Assets is one of the most important intent task frameworks of dappOS. Intent Assets can be regarded as a kind of asset that is profitable and tradable. The reason why it can achieve both is mainly due to the use of dappOSs intent execution network. For example, IntentUSD is an intention USD asset. On the one hand, it can obtain USD-based income (similar to Yue Bao, users can automatically obtain corresponding interest income after depositing), and at the same time it has the flexibility to circulate at any time, and can be withdrawn to other addresses as USDT or USDC; it can be used as lending, contract margin, etc. This has a certain effect on activating currently idle assets such as USDT and USDC. At present, about 50% of USDT in the Ethereum ecosystem lies in users independent wallets, without earning income in CEX or contracts, with a scale of about more than 50 billion US dollars; about 60% of USDC lies in users independent wallets, with a scale of about 20 billion US dollars. In other words, about 70 billion US dollars of funds are idle and have not obtained the income they should have. If part of these funds are converted into IntentUSD, they can obtain income and can be used at any time when they need to be transferred. In addition to USD, ETH and BTC can also become intention assets, bringing convenience to users. For example, pledged ETH can obtain good income, but if you want to circulate it at any time, it often has high wear and tear. Through Intent ETH, you can use it at any time while earning income. This is done through the intent network execution, and users only need to care about the results (income + available at any time). * Intent trading users can achieve the best transaction cost when trading spot. That is, using the intent execution network, users can achieve their transactions at a lower cost through task service providers. * Intent-centric dApp interaction users can interact with dApp seamlessly, avoiding the complexity of direct interaction with the blockchain. With the increase of chains and L2, the interaction is becoming more and more complex, and more and more things can be done. Execution through the intent network can save users a lot of complex interaction troubles. From this perspective, as long as the intent execution network finds the users pain points, it has the opportunity to form an intention product with better user experience. 3. Optimistic Minimum Stake Mechanism and the Operation of the Intent Execution Network dAppOS has launched Optimistic Minimum Stake. In dAppOS, a network for user intent execution, the benefit of optimistic minimum staking is that it helps active task service providers to obtain more income and users to have a better experience. For task service providers, if they fail to help users complete tasks, they will be punished; on the contrary, if they successfully complete tasks, they will be rewarded. This reward and punishment mechanism is also a good thing for active task service providers, because as user experience and confidence improve, more users will join, and more user participation will bring more income to task service providers. For users, if the task is successful, they can easily and conveniently achieve the desired results, pay some fees (or even save fees) to get better results; if the task fails, they can get a certain amount of compensation from the staking penalty on the task service provider. This mechanism gives participating users better confidence and experience. In summary, the OMS mechanism is not only the underlying security mechanism of dAppOS, but also a driving force for promoting the intention execution market.(来源: Twitter )
If I were to describe Sony Chain Soneium in one sentence, it would be a Gas-free Ethereum Layer2 for 1 billion non-circle users. Behind it sits Sony and Samsung, whose revenue is trillions of yen. Although I have little experience in Web3, I have made the public chain gas-free, and that is my Web2 territory. Want to deploy applications on the chain? You need to get a white ticket from the official to do it. All applications are to C, and users can deposit fiat currency seamlessly.(来源: Twitter )
🌟What should VC do in the face of the Telegram incident🌟 Thanks to @FC_0x0 of @SevenXVentures for starting a good topic. 1️⃣ Let me first state a few basic facts🌱 @Telegram is a communication tool that most ordinary people in the world use to resist censorship, and it is an important means for citizens of the earth to obtain freedom of speech. 🌱Users of the entire Telegram ecosystem are an important source of new users in the cryptocurrency market. 🌱More than 90% of cooperative communications in the entire cryptocurrency market are based on Telegram. This software serves as a communication channel for the cryptocurrency market. 🌱Telegram did not fall into a state of suspension and unavailability due to @durovs arrest. 🌱Although Telegram does not own @heyibinance like @binance. Dont forget that he still has a brother @Kolja_Durov who can still stabilize the morale of the troops. With the recognition of the team and sufficient funds, Telegram has enough time to defend itself. 🌱 @durov has citizenship in four countries, namely Russia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, France, and the United Arab Emirates. With sufficient funds, connections, and reputation, there is a certain amount of room for bargaining under the Western legal system. 🌱 France is not a dictatorship. If France really imposes severe sanctions on @durov, then whether France can operate normally in the European Union and how other countries view this issue. Is free capital willing to accept such unwarranted accusations? Think about a certain big country and the current situation of foreign capital flight. 2️⃣ The basic facts are stated. @ton_blockchain can be understood as @telegrams behavior to obtain more funds for listing. It can also be understood that @ton_blockchain is providing a new entrance for everyone to enter the world of cryptocurrency. Whether it is narrative logic, the industry status of telegram as a whole, or the future development prospects of cryptocurrency. #TON is a good choice in the current context. Whether it is this world or the cryptocurrency industry. Everyone is just picking the less rotten peaches among the rotten peaches. At this time, whether #TON is worth holding for a long time depends on everyones understanding. 3️⃣ According to the traditional AHR999 Index, the current market is relatively mid-range, not the high point of the bull market. Is it a wise choice to sell #TON at this time? I cant give advice, I can only explain the basic facts. https://coinglass.com/pro/i/ahr999 4️⃣ In the cryptocurrency industry, the general narrative direction of the future is that everyone can own assets that truly belong to them, have an independent personality, true freedom of speech, and fight against the censorship of powerful governments. Under the logic of the future grand narrative, both @telegram and @ton_blockchain theoretically occupy an important ecological niche. 🌱 How to choose, the button is in the hands of the VCs, I am just expressing my understanding.(来源: Twitter )
Dogs is a platform for exchanges to catch all the active TG users. Since exchanges think that TG users can bring incremental growth, compared to the quality of the number of people claimed by DD, it is better to use airdrops to make vampire attacks, and guide them all at once without distinguishing between good and bad, and then let the exchanges see the performance. What are the advantages of TG? I think it is the cheap traffic pool and the rapid internal backflow. What are the disadvantages? I think it is that it is difficult to educate users to become users that exchanges like. Therefore, the logic of listing TG projects on exchanges should be how to make users willing to pay (reflecting the income of the protocol) and reach high-quality users of TG (reflected in the ability to directly link TG accounts and exchange accounts). The advantage of Dogs gameplay is that it is fast to be listed on the exchange, but the disadvantage is that it is difficult for the team to change the currency out of their pants (full circulation + selling coins + airdrops are not easy to do tricks), and it offends all projects in the same track, because no matter how strong the willingness of other projects to pay is and how the conversion rate is, the exchange can let them submit a list of high-value users, and then compare it with the deposit of Dogs to know whether the user is a high-quality user and whether there is an expectation to trade on the exchange. This gameplay is quite difficult, requiring operations, rhythm, and understanding of the track. This is another example of a project that has perfected the track.(来源: Twitter )
Babylon is a project with the biggest information gap recently. Some people probably didn’t read the documents and white papers at all, but interpreted it as a positive inscription for the Bitcoin ecosystem. Some also said that Babylon is a BTC L2 or expansion solution. To be correct and rational, the biggest potential customers of Babylon are PoS chains such as Cosmos. The most intuitive improvement is to reduce the staking lock time of PoS by mitigating long-range attacks.(来源: Twitter )
If you search for polymarket, you will find that a lot of people have written tutorials for you to gamble, but there is no tutorial on how to open a gambling game. I believe that many VC bros are jealous of polymarkets financing of more than 70 million US dollars, thinking that this is a hot spot, and they are studying how to invest in the next potential prediction market here, but it is very likely that they have not invested a penny to play 😆 It is very simple to play, register an account, deposit, and open a gambling game, fool-proof operation. But what many people dont know is how difficult it is to open a market. You have to join their discord, write a short essay and submit it to one of their submission channels. It will be put on the official website after the official staff reviews it. There was a big fight last night. I wanted to submit a market, but the process was too complicated and the timeliness was very low. Moreover, the reviewer of polymarket was a foreigner, who probably couldnt understand what we were arguing about, and it ended up in vain. If a Chinese team were to do this polymarket, at least they would open the entrance to create market on the official website and give you a set of templates to fill in. On the other hand, @thecryptoskanda, the boss, used pumpfun to publish in a few minutes, while I am still waiting for their mod reply in the polymarket discord 😅 This is the disadvantage of being too centralized. Moreover, even if I publish successfully, this market will probably think that the liquidity is too low and no one will care. The head effect of the prediction market is very strong. The liquidity of the US presidential election market is very strong, but the liquidity of the China-US Olympic Games gold medal competition I played a few days ago is much worse (of course I bet on China to win and lost 5u). To be honest, except for the ability to deposit and withdraw funds with cryptocurrencies, polymarket does not see any difference from the traditional prediction gambling market. From this point of view, I have a small idea, can we combine the advantages of polymarket and pumpfun? The advantages of pump are decentralization, strong timeliness, strong liquidity, and low opening cost; the advantages of polymarket are binary option gambling and strong real correlation. The pros and cons each pump one coin, and the settlement will be made after the official result comes out, and all the losers will be transferred to the winners🧐🧐 The innovation of blockchain is really boring now. Polymarket, a product with little technical content, extremely centralized, and average user experience, can be praised as a god🙃(来源: Twitter )
Without Mable, this VC gradually declined in Asia. Multicoin Capital is a paper-driven VC. Its founder Kyle Samani paid special attention to and practiced writing skills before founding Multicoin. In 2013, he could write three articles a week and more than 150 blogs a year. @multicoincap In December 2017, the fund size was about 10 million US dollars; in May 2018, the fund size was about 50 million US dollars. As of January 2019, the fund has raised a total of 75 million US dollars. The highlight of Moutai Capital is that as of the third quarter of 21, it has invested 1,300 times in Solana and 112 times in The Graph, which has brought rich returns to LP. Why do I say that without @Mable_Jiang, Multicoin is not doing well in Asia? Because in 2021, Mable was working at Moutai Coin and made a podcast called 51%, which was the most popular crypto podcast in Asia at that time. Many friends also knew Multicoin because of this. At that time, she interviewed many celebrity entrepreneurs and OGs. This podcast was even considered to be the wealth code in the bull market at that time. Interested friends can visit xiaoyuzhoufm.com/podcast/602cfe… With the departure of Mable, Multicoins promotion in Asia gradually stagnated. New retail investors may not have heard of this VC. It is said that it is no longer in the top VC queue in the United States. The founders writing frequency is now once every few months. The IOs he invested in before are relatively lagging. Co-Founder: @KyleSamani previously founded Pristine, which provides smart glasses solutions for deskless employees. He is good at writing. Managing Partner: @TusharJain_ previously founded the medical IT technology startup ePatientFinder, which raised $10 million and was later acquired. Partner: @VinnyLingham Founder of Civic, partner of Newtown Partners. Partner: @johnrobertreed Former Director of Jones-Dilworth, a marketing consulting company. Partner: @mattshap1 Former Vice President of Teneo Investment Banking Group In short, Multicoin is famous for the high returns of investment sol to LP and the spread of mable jiang in Asia. As the industry changes, Multicoins returns to LP are not that much. For founders, Multicoin is a good seed round, contact tg: t.me/kylesamani For retail investors, you can pay attention to its investment portfolio. Although the wealth-making effect is not as strong as before, the investment is basically based on the concepts promoted by the top VCs, and it can be quickly entered and exited, which is cost-effective.(来源: Twitter )
What happened in the blockchain industry: About VC: - All VCs with a normal rhythm in the last cycle made money - These VCs have expanded their fund size by 3-10 times in this cycle and raised funds again, resulting in too much money on hand - However, there are not enough good projects, but they must be spent, so any project with a little bit of appeal will increase the round of financing to raise the valuation and get money they don’t need - Old projects that were dead three years ago can also come out and get a new round of VC financing - This has also greatly increased the VC cost of good projects and the psychological expectations of coin holders - VCs are not stupid, and project owners are not stupid either. It has essentially become a game of cutting LPs - Other projects cannot issue coins after investment, and they look at each other in confusion during meetings - Finally, a good project issues coins, so they quickly focus on PR. After 6 or 12 months, they can only unlock and sell the coins. If they haven’t unlocked them before, they have to find a way to sell the coins/hedge first - In short, VCs don’t make money, and LPs suffer the most About new projects: - Because mature founders invest the same amount of time in small and large projects, and sell coins the same way, so they only do big projects - Big projects = high valuation = infra - There are a lot of infras, but there are no applications/real income on them, so they can only subsidize/inflate the volume themselves - where does their own money come from? VCs come, its free anyway- Because they already understand the Playbook for listing and opening, and have a clear goal of selling coins, they will open with a high valuation, and then sell the least coins to get the most money, and then the market buying will dry up, but they still have to sell coins, not selling coins is impossible- After the first wave of buying ends, a coin can only fall, and the end time is generally 1-3 days, and it basically cant last more than three days- Then create fluctuations and continue to sell coins- If the market is good, occasionally go on the list of gainers, and then continue to sell coins- In short, the first principle of doing a project is to sell coins; a very small number of projects create value (or rely on cheating) and rely on protocol income- Some projects that inflate volume and make money are also fake user projects, and the listing is equal to zero, without any trading volume. For such projects, market value is meaningless. About old projects:- Dead projects use the relatively high-quality Captable invested three years ago to raise funds again (in fact, they have no contact with those funds), most of them use KOL round, and a few look for funds to take over- In order to be listed on bn, continue to raise funds and inflate data, but there are still no real users and no real use cases- In fact, it is impossible to get on BN, so there are two ways, bribe other exchanges/dex to list coins - dex listing coins = zero, bribe exchanges = zero (the bribe money must be earned back by selling coins) - In short, this type of project can only go to zero, because they are unlikely to do a good job About the head exchanges: - The service provided by the exchange to the project party is equivalent to the pool on the chain - Adding a pool to a coin is definitely a good thing for the project - So the project must give money to the exchange, which is understandable and in line with business common sense - The exchange has people who need to please, that is, the big players - Projects that are in the interests of big players need to be listed, so LRT must be listed - Projects that are in their own interests need to be listed, so those who have invested can be listed, those with users can be listed, new things can be listed, and those who can compete with other exchanges can be listed - Because liquidity is king, listing on the exchange has become the most important part of doing a project - The exchange plays an important role in user education and liquidity provision, and should obtain an important position and matching profits - Then he will quietly accept your principal :) In summary, doing a project has become creating an illusory thing. There is no need to do anything. As long as you can sell the coins, it will be fine, because the essence is to create a mob and then sell the coins. In this case, there is no difference between VC coins and meme coins. About ETH: - The big players changed their thinking and became POS. Anyway, it is not POW, nor is it a coin speculation idea, nor is it a deposit and purchase idea, but a freeloading idea. - The big players do not participate in the real construction, which refers to the construction that has a direct positive impact on the price of ETH, including but not limited to making memecoins, pulling high-quality memecoins, and creating a unique eth cult culture. In short, they do nothing - The only two reasons to buy ETH in this cycle are re-staking and ETFs, but this has nothing to do with retail investors, so ETH essentially has no good and strong reasons to buy that can be explained at once. - ETH still has the most developers, the most nodes, and the most ecological projects. It is still the most robust blockchain. - But these projects on ETH have ulterior motives and want to sell their own air coins to retail investors, so that they can only make money for themselves. - In short, it is not easy for retail investors to make money on ETH. About SOL: - Big investors stick together, have a big picture, and understand what retail investors are thinking - The scale of big investors is 400,000-2mil sol, they spend 1wsol to make a so-called cult memecoin or find someone they know to make a memecoin, its so easy - Group together to pull up the meme, make a lot of small pools of memecoin, and send them to 100-500mil - Retail investors are dazzled by so many memecoins and fomo like crazy - KOLs earn attention by shouting orders and complete wealth transfer, and these coins really go up - KOLs form a gradient and shouting range, Hsaka, Ansem and other top streamers are in one tier, some with 100k followers are in one tier, and the others are in another tier (these are mainly KOCs), shouting coins of different market value ranges, about 500mil+, 100-500mil, 10-100mil, and lottery players below 10mil. - This increases the vitality of the SOL ecosystem and allows retail investors to support their SOL - Because retail investors all hold SOL, the SOL maxi army is naturally formed, and the SOL flip ETH sentiment is rampant among retail investors. These people get the pleasure of memecoin and forget the risk of SOL rollback and that the memecoin in their hands is essentially air - SOL enters a positive feedback loop stage, the main character calls orders, retail investors continue to fomo, continue to call orders and continue to fomo - When will it end? I dont know. It will end when everyone is disgusted with memecoin. - In short, SOL has become the best casino and the best casino chip in this cycle, and everyone needs SOL Judgment: - The memecoin supercycle is established, and 20 memecoins appear in the top 100 market value coins, and a large number of memecoins are between 100-300mil, mainly on SOL. - A successful memecoin focused CEX has emerged - Projects continue to open with high market capitalization, but the opening valuation will be significantly lowered. PR drafts say that a large number of project parties have rationalized their valuations (some project parties have already done this, and the results are good from the online perspective. They have a big picture and are careful about their reputation) - VCs can only raise money from web2 in the next round. They are very jealous of the industry, but it will be painful to report to LPs - High-quality real-use case projects that do not over-finance from VCs (or even do not raise funds at all) begin to appear, and use other more decent ways to transfer benefits - Audit/security companies that truly create value are slowly beginning to be valued, and high-quality audits have become an important part of the industry: BlockSec, Hexagate, Hypernative - For non-meme projects, the market returns to favoring projects with real income, real monopoly, and real use cases (I hope they will have innovative ways to link tokens and businesses) - The next round is the real application cycle To my readers: - Buy BTC and put it in a cold wallet. Sell some when the uncles and aunts come, buy some when your parents scold you for being an idiot, and keep the rest. Dont tell anyone - Find ways to get money from VC/project parties: do projects/provide services for projects- Find ways to get money from other retail investors: provide services for retail investors- Do not buy VC coins, especially high-market-cap VC coins (end: cannot outperform BTC)- Try to buy 10mil-100mil SOL memecoin and sell it at the stage of 100-500mil- Do not participate in old projects. There are reasons why they did not issue coins in the last cycle- Verify all the information you want to know carefully after seeing it. If you cannot verify it, it is false by default- Identify valuable content accounts and give them more interaction (<1% of accounts are still doing this)(来源: Twitter )
Recently, @VitalikButerin said that Cross-L2 interoperability is no longer a problem. Although he did not specify the specific project, combined with the wonderful discussion in the comment area, I have summarized some solutions that can solve the interoperability of Cross-layer2, as follows: 1) Based-Rollup In the Ethereum layer2 camp, there are some projects that pursue Compatible equivalence. By allowing layer2 and layer1 to share components as much as possible, they can achieve maximum compatibility with EVM, so that layer2 can directly hand over the sorter function to the main network. Specifically, when retrieving Mempool transactions, the Proposer of the main network can use a special Route similar to MEV-Boost to capture the Rollup Batch transactions, and then directly complete the sorting and chaining on the main network. Representative project: @taikoxyz 2) CrossChain-Rollup The powerful ZK technology provides a possibility to establish a trustless mechanism for homogeneous/heterogeneous chains in complex environments, including interoperability between homogeneous chains such as EVM-Compatible. Cross-L2 belongs to this category. In addition, ZK technology can also connect the interoperability of complex non-smart contract-based chains such as EVM and Non-EVM. Specifically, the ZK technology framework will become an underlying communication protocol, allowing homogeneous/heterogeneous chains to complete absolutely secure and reliable message transmission through Proof proof without checking the specific data of the other party and only verifying the Proof proof. ZK-Rollup is essentially the process of the off-chain layer2 calculating a large amount of data into Proofs proofs, and then letting the mainnet Rollup contract directly verify and finalize. Representative project: @ProjectZKMs Enangled Rollup Network unified liquidity layer. 3) Intent-Rollup Intent transactions have always been regarded as the key to the Crypto market embracing Mass Adoption. It can accommodate many related directions such as account abstraction, chain abstraction, AI Agent, Pre-Confirmation, etc. Intent transactions are essentially abstracting user needs to achieve programmable features, and then using a decentralized solver platform to proxy the execution of user needs to optimize the user-side transaction experience. Intent will be the final destination of ideal transactions, which can lower the threshold for users to onboard into the Crypto market and attract incremental users to the industry. The intent track is not difficult to understand, but it is a huge challenge to program the users vague and complex needs and then have them executed perfectly by the agent program, requiring a huge solver processing network. Representative Project: @dappOS_com 4) Layer2 Based-layer3 As we all know, the leading layer2 projects Arbitrum, Starknet, Optimism, etc. have successively launched layer3 application chain strategies. The layer3 application chain has customizable features, independent Tokenomics, and customizable Gas, but it relies on the basic components of layer2 to provide services, the most typical of which is interoperability. The layer2 chain can provide a cross-application chain communication foundation for the layer3 application chain based on its own shared sequencer, shared prover, etc. Representative project: @arbitrum Orbit 5) Cosmos IBC Based -Rollup Cosmoss IBC communication framework provides a basic interoperability capability for all chains connected to the Cosmos Hub. If the capabilities of Cosmos IBC are focused on the Ethereum layer2 ecosystem, a layer2 interoperability layer based on the interoperability of Cosmos IBC will be realized. This solution will directly retain the Cosmos SDK core code, while reducing development costs, while also being able to carry out targeted additional development for the Ethereum ecosystem, and then allow the universal interoperability of Cosmos to be perfectly implemented in the Ethereum ecosystem. Representative project: @Polymer_Labs 6) AVS Based -Rollup Eigenlayers middleware service protocol implements a capability that allows Ethereum mainnet Validators to commercialize their own consensus and deliver it to other Rollup layer2 or other homogeneous/heterogeneous chains. This solution essentially allows Ethereum validators to repeatedly stake LST tokens, based on a set of reward and punishment economic mechanisms to constrain Validators to expand outside the chain to construct a secure consensus for other chains. If layer2 all uses AVS to construct consensus, it is equivalent to another economically driven Based-Rollup, and the mainnet components can participate in the cross-chain interactive process of layer2. Representative project: @alt_layer 7) Modular-Rollups When modularization reaches a certain level, the Rollup as a Service paradigm will drive the prosperity of the layer2 one-click chain market. By then, a layer2 network may share Celestias DA data availability layer, Solanas VM or Ethereum EVM and other shared execution layers, as well as Ethereum as the shared settlement layer of these Rollups. To achieve absolute modular collaboration, cross-chain collaborative communication between different modules or different chains is the basic premise. Representative projects: @AvailProject ... Other Note: Let the examples only be the directions I am familiar with, which may not be complete. There will be many projects that are working on the same direction and are differentiated. You can add them in the comment area. (All of them are aimed at eliminating centralized cross-chain bridges and CEX asset transfer stations) I hope Vitalik can jump out and make such a voice, but please dont point to a certain project. To Vitaliks innovation premise must not be Vitaliks shouting endorsement. Of course, there are some project directions that will challenge the core position of Ethereum, but the future of Ethereum must jump out of the Ethereum-centric thinking, and jump out of Ethereum to see the Ethereum ecosystem to see the whole picture, right? Although the market is very painful, the learning spirit is not limited. If you think the above summary and thinking are useful, I hope you can support it with one click. Thank you. Note: Friends who appreciate my continuous input of valuable content can visit my Twitter homepage and click on the Substack column to subscribe (currently free). You will see more in-depth and professional investment research and analysis content, especially content that is not suitable for public sharing on Twitter.(来源: Twitter )
The essence of dating is not just to play and travel together on weekends, that is just a byproduct. Supporting each others lives and becoming each others strength is something that gives us the courage to move forward when life is difficult. I hope we can support each other and become each others strength. There is a line in Once Upon a Time in America: When I am tired of everything, I will think of you. Thinking that you exist somewhere in this world, I am willing to endure everything. Your existence is really important. The meaning of meeting must be to illuminate each other. The essence of dating is to become the strength to support each other, so look forward and dont be unhappy, my friend ❤️(来源: Twitter )
Several sudden rate cuts in U.S. history: January 3, 2001: The Federal Reserve suddenly cut interest rates by 50 basis points. January 22, 2008: During the financial crisis, the Federal Reserve suddenly cut interest rates by 75 basis points. July 31, 2019: The Federal Reserve cut interest rates by 25 basis points, the first rate cut since 2008. March 3 and March 15, 2020: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Federal Reserve made two emergency rate cuts, a total of 150 basis points. The trend of U.S. stocks after the sudden rate cut: January 3, 2001 Short-term: The Nasdaq index rose 14.2% on the day of the rate cut, but continued to fall in the following months. Long-term: The stock market performed weakly throughout 2001, and the Nasdaq index fell by about 20% throughout the year. January 22, 2008 Short-term: The SP 500 index rose 5.4% on the day of the rate cut, but the market continued to fluctuate afterwards. Long-term: The stock market performed extremely poorly throughout 2008, with the SP 500 falling 38% for the year. July 31, 2019 Short-term: The SP 500 fell slightly on the day of the rate cut, but gradually recovered in the following months. Long-term: The stock market performed well throughout 2019, with the SP 500 rising nearly 29% for the year. March 3 and March 15, 2020 Short-term: Despite two emergency rate cuts by the Federal Reserve, the market continued to plummet due to the epidemic panic, and the SP 500 hit a bottom in mid-March. Long-term: With the support of fiscal and monetary policies, the stock market rebounded strongly in the second half of 2020, and the SP 500 rose 16% for the year.(来源: Twitter )
The logic is not who bought early and who called early, but who made more money. What does it mean if others bought early and sold out? Trading is a systematic thing that requires measuring the value of the narrative, persistence, funds that can be cut in, etc. Some big investors will consider entering when the pool is larger than 100e because of higher certainty. Buying early means that everyone has bought it, but it is not as good as the people who buy when they are sure to get out. In addition, periodic escapes from the top will encounter psychological price cleanliness, and when it falls, they are unwilling to buy so much (the cost becomes higher). Finally, it is a new high, and the position becomes less. (来源: Twitter )
There are N ways to catch Neiro. First: You are a dev, you swipe or monitor tools, anyway, you saw the tweet first (5.03 am). You opened pumpfun and quickly sent a coin to the small group. This character made a profit of 200wu+. Second: You are a member of the small group, and you just didnt sleep. A guy suddenly threw a link and you sifted 2sol into it. This character made a profit of 200sol+. Third: You are a sitting party, staring at pumpfun looking for opportunities, suddenly saw this plate, clicked in to check the information and felt something was wrong, and immediately prepared to put it in. And started sniping the opening. This character made a profit of several hundred sols. Fourth: You are a player who monitors smart money. The chain notifies you that there are multiple smart money fomo buying in the plate. You check the information and follow up to buy. This character makes a profit of varying degrees. Fifth: You are a trading expert, boldly buy when the market is fud, and decisively sell when the market is fomo. The sub-characters make a profit of varying degrees. (来源: Twitter )
Hashed Annual Meeting Travel Notes 1. When everyone was crazy about holding conferences, Hashed, the largest Crypto institution in South Korea, was also involved in holding a conference. It is more like an annual meeting than a conference, because it is more like a gathering of all the invested projects and LP investors. 2. There are still a few Chinese people at the scene, more than 500 people, mainly from Europe, America, Japan and South Korea. Although it is the first year, I hope there will be more Chinese faces next year. 3. Modularity, derivatives, and parallel EVM are the tracks that are generally discussed by peers at the venue. It can be felt that everyone has reached a consensus in this regard. Therefore, Monad and Bera, which have not been invested by Hashed, are also called to share with everyone. 4. It has to be said that serial entrepreneurs do have advantages in financing. Half of the co-founders present have participated in one or two phenomenal plates before, and everyone has their own story in the currency circle. 5. Although the LUNA incident caused indelible damage to Hashed and caused it to lose its No. 1 position in Asia, after regaining its momentum, it has launched more than 20 projects in the first half of this year, and indeed outperformed most institutions in terms of quantity. 6. Interestingly, although it is the largest Crypto institution in South Korea, its new offices are actually opened in Abu Dhabi and Tokyo. It may be to be closer to LPs. 7. Being the strongest regional fund means more bargaining chips at the negotiation table. Many founders who come to seek financing still think that taking over Hashed is equivalent to taking over the Korean market, even if the valuation is cut to a low level. 8. The first batch of Japanese creditors who received compensation in Mentougou have begun to become LPs of funds. Even if 5% of the 9 billion US dollars is given to the fund for management, there will be 450 million US dollars, which is enough for 5-10 funds to continue operating. 9. In addition to Hashed’s annual meeting, Solana’s Tokyo conference in August is also on the way. I don’t know whether these old men from Japanese consortiums will be lobbied to join SOL, but Tokyo this summer will definitely become more and more crowded and lively.(来源: Twitter )
Today, lets talk about the two topics of smart money and copy trades. From the perspective of being frequently monitored and copied, I would like to share my views. The following content is mainly for the chain, and does not include areas that I am not familiar with, such as contract orders. My core point is that for most players, monitoring smart money is very meaningful, but copy trades is not necessary. First, let me briefly introduce these two concepts. Smart money refers to traders who have a deep understanding of the market and have advantages in certain aspects, while copy trades is Copytrade, which, as the name suggests, monitors other peoples transactions and follows the buying and selling through automated programs. In other words, smart money is actually players who can maintain positive returns for a period of time, and the core advantages of making money in this market are actually three points: technology, cognition, and information gap. Technology, such as sniping the opening, finding the correct contract in advance through chain information; cognition, such as judging whether a certain news has a positive or negative impact on the price, how high the ceiling of a certain narrative is, or judging the subsequent trend by analyzing the chip structure on the chain; information gap, the most common is Cabals insider information, or the source of information is one step faster than most people. Monitoring this type of wallet is very useful, because the market is very fast now, there are many projects, and it is impossible to learn about each project in advance by simply relying on Twitter and Telegram. Monitoring is a very good source of information, giving you the opportunity to learn about the project in a short time after the opening, but copying is not the case. It is not difficult to find that the technical route belongs to the winner-takes-all, and a step slower will result in much higher costs. Copying sniping or Pumpfun insider trading is basically equivalent to giving money, because a few seconds of difference will cause the purchase price to differ several times, becoming liquidity; and information asymmetry can only exist in a small range. Once it is widely spread, it is no longer an information asymmetry. Insider trading often avoids retail investors from entering the market through new wallets, violent washes, etc. These two are destined to be advantages that belong to only a very small number of people. It is more suitable for ordinary players to improve their cognition, and copying, a simple and crude imitation method, lacks this core point. You just buy and sell blindly, but you don’t know the reason at all. Another natural disadvantage of copying is that you buy more expensively than others and sell cheaper than others. In addition, there are now a large number of smart wallets that kill copying. Although I have never done this, as a wallet that has been copied since the NFT era, I am also very disgusted with copying, because a large number of non-spontaneous buy orders in a short period of time can easily destroy the original price trend and bring subsequent selling pressure, which is not conducive to the normal development of tokens. So I actually understand the behavior of killing copying. The reason I did not do this is just because some group friends are also copying my wallet. To further explain, most profitable on-chain players focus on odds rather than winning rates, often making small losses and big profits, maintaining market sensitivity through daily operations, and then striking hard when encountering truly promising opportunities. Whether the copying wallet can withstand previous losses and dare to follow orders under pressure is a difficult problem. Copying is the laziest transaction. Choosing to copy is equivalent to handing over the ownership of the wallet to others. As the saying goes, dont be someone elses Adou, be your own Zhao Yun.(来源: Twitter )
The structural bull market dominated by BTC will tend more and more towards the A-share market structure. Taking Moutai as an example, the increase in the liquor sector has derived the consumer sector corresponding to BTC, which is the BTC ecosystem, which is still a sector that has not been explored.(来源: Twitter )
Let’s stop criticizing Blast and stop looking at the price of coins. Let’s analyze rationally the seven sins of the genius pacman who is praised so highly. 1. He did not choose to issue coins at the best time. The market was good in March and the time was short. If he had issued the coins synchronously with the main network at this time, everyone should have made huge profits. Even the big lock holders would have worked hard without complaint. As a result, after more than three months of hard work, the market value expectation was even lower, and OKX and BN did not list it. 2. Technical inexperience is the original sin. The result of doing Infra without accumulation is that the infrastructure cannot keep up. The yield model that seemed good at the beginning was verified and found that even the basic demand of cross-chain bridge was lagging behind. The exchange could not withdraw directly, and retail investors could not come in. 3. Endless PUA, from March PUA to May, from May PUA to the end of June, and today everyone found that they will be PUA for another six months. Pinduoduo also PUA but really created value and good user experience. What are you doing with your capital plate? 4. He doesnt have a deep feeling about liquidity, probably because he has never done traditional Defi and is not a big investor (of course, he has made a fortune now), which I have talked about before. 5. He has no contractual spirit at all and directly offends all big investors. Key points: I think big investors are the group that cannot be offended in the entire currency circle. They are outnumbered so their voice is not big, and they dont have the influence of the core circle, but in fact, this group of people are the ones who support the entire chain ecology. Its very simple. The project parties may know that big investors (big leeks) are the key factors that support the currency price and ecological liquidity. For people like me who really buy millions of US dollars of altcoins for their dreams, the value may be greater than that of a hundred small investors or robots. You can fake the volume to do data for the exchange, but the real fundamentals must be supported by the 20% of big investors. 6. Objectively speaking, gold distribution is relatively decentralized, but it is still bound by small interest groups. Although I am also an investor in some of these projects, those who understand will understand. Compradors mean that the quality of ecological projects will definitely not keep up with the development of organic in the long run. 7. From a personal perspective, I found that he was irresponsible or arrogant. He came to me to schedule a call to get feedback, but he didnt show up at the agreed time (it was 1 a.m. in China at that time). I waited for an hour, but he didnt reply to my message, and there was no apology at the end. I was puzzled by this operation. Lets not talk about whether I am valuable to him or not, its really not that important, but basic respect for human beings should be there, right? In fact, there are many more, but I dont want to scold him. Investing is nothing more than knowing people, we have all been cheated, and I think I am not well-trained. In fact, many signs can be seen long ago, but it was my own logical framework and tendency to believe this that made me make mistakes. The currency may rise, but I will not eat shit again.(来源: Twitter )
The era of swindling is over. People from different groups say different things. 1. Ordinary users say: swindling can’t make money anymore, the era is over. 2. Investors say: They don’t want to use their own money to pull up the initial circulation, forcing themselves to open short hedges to cover the project party’s cashing out. 3. The project party says: They rely on swindling user data to falsify and fool investors, but they can’t fool anymore, the era is over. The consensus is broken. . One of the problems is that the Ponzi attribute of this model is too low, and it eventually becomes a pvp cut, and no one takes over. Ponzi can make everyone rich on paper, and Ponzi can attract users outside the circle. Everyone knows that Edison tested more than a hundred materials and found tungsten filaments to make light bulbs. Few people know that he had melted more than a dozen rounds before finding tungsten filaments. If he couldn’t find tungsten filaments in the end, all the more than a hundred experiments before that were Ponzi.(来源: Twitter )
The company just held a 150-minute meeting, and I chatted with my colleagues one by one, and four and a half hours were gone. I will summarize the essence of the meeting and share it with you: (The above is the view of ACcapital, which has no investment value and is for reference only) 1. The secondary altcoins have fallen almost enough, so you can buy the bottom one after another. The big cake has not fallen through yet, so dont buy it for the time being. 2. Insufficient liquidity in the market, ETFs are all over-the-counter funds, and there is a large amount of wait-and-see funds. 3. The capital split between the East and the West is relatively serious, resulting in the inability of funds to flow back. The Sol system and Depin that the West strongly supports cannot be bought by Eastern capital, so there is no largest secondary buying order, they cannot make back their capital, and there is no way to create new hot spots. The BTC L2 inscription NFT that Eastern capital strongly supports is not favored by Western capital, resulting in no super large investors taking over, Eastern capital cannot flow back, and retail investors are not passionate enough. 4. Binance neither fully buys Western projects nor fully buys Eastern projects. Binances influence on the market is already incomparably strong. UB and CB are no longer comparable in their ability to bring buy orders in the secondary market. 5. There are a lot of people with M attributes now. They seem to feel good after scolding their colleagues all night.(来源: Twitter )
Regarding the June interest rate meeting: Keeping the policy unchanged is a cautious move. The Feds interest rate decision in the early morning was unchanged as expected by the market. There were several parts that exceeded market expectations. Here are my personal understandings: 1. Compared with the full text of the interest rate decision in early May, there are two changes: the evaluation of inflation has changed from a lack of further progress in May to modest further progress. The change in inflation wording is still very important. Another is the deletion of the specific statement on the adjustment of the balance sheet reduction plan. I was a little confused when I first saw this. Later, I thought that the QT Taper should have been clarified before, so after June, the specific implementation operation will be the responsibility of the New York Fed. Then, we can read the report disclosed by the New York Fed. 2. Regarding the dot plot that everyone pays attention to, it is indeed adjusted a lot compared with March. The dot plot shows that no one expects three interest rate cuts this year, while more than half of the officials expected at least three interest rate cuts last time. Nearly 80% of the officials expect at least one interest rate cut this time, and the number of officials who expect no interest rate cuts this year has doubled to four. At first glance, it is still very hawkish, and it seems that the message conveyed by the market is also the same. But take a closer look: among the 19 voting members, 7 believe that it is appropriate to cut interest rates once before the end of the year, 8 believe that it is necessary to cut interest rates twice, and 4 believe that there should be no rate cut this year at all - everyone is concerned about only one rate cut, which is just the median forecast of the voting members. In fact, there are more people who predict two rate cuts. From this perspective, it will be better. Lets look at a more distant forecast: it is expected that there will be one 25 basis point rate cut in 2024 (while the dot plot in March predicts three times), and it is expected that there will be four 25 basis point rate cuts in 2025 (previously expected to be three times) - in short, the number of rate cuts expected this year will decrease, and the number of rate cuts expected next year will increase. 3. Regarding economic forecasts, the Fed maintains the GDP growth forecast for this year, next year and the next three years and longer-term unchanged, and slightly raises the unemployment rate forecast for next year and the next year and longer-term by 0.1 percentage point, and raises the PCE inflation forecast and core PCE inflation forecast growth rate by 0.2 percentage points this year, and the expected growth rate of these two inflation indicators next year by 0.1 percentage point. 4. Regarding Powells press conference, I read the transcript. It feels a bit lackluster, probably because of the changes in the dot plot and economic forecasts, Powell doesnt need to say too much. Let the market digest and figure out the dot plot. How to understand the change in the Feds attitude this time? 1. My biggest feeling is that the Fed has learned a lesson and is more cautious. Why do you say that? If you have an impression, you can look back at the two meetings in the fourth quarter of last year, especially the one in early November, because inflation was weak at that time, the Fed was very optimistic and clearly put forward the expectation of interest rate cuts in 24 years (of course, the US Treasury yield reached 5% in mid-October 23, which meant that there was a liquidity shock, which also forced the Fed to express a more optimistic attitude), so that the market expectations were far ahead of the Fed, and it was believed that there would be five to six interest rate cuts in 24 years, and financial conditions were actually looser. For a highly financialized country like the United States, the market expectations are optimistic, financial conditions are substantially loosened on a large scale, risk markets are strengthening, and wealth effects are increasing, which will naturally lead to stronger consumption and services. The market strength in the fourth quarter of last year was linked to inflation in the first quarter of this year, and then rebounded after three months. The markets reflexivity once again played a role. From this perspective, the Feds caution this time is understandable. Especially last night, the May CPI came out and was lower than expected. If the Feds forecast is more optimistic at this time, then market expectations will rise again, and the situation in the fourth quarter of last year will repeat itself, which is more unfavorable to the trend of inflation in the future. At present, the driving effect of market expectations is very obvious. Under the data preference, the market expectations are optimistic, and the Fed has more reason to be cautious. After all, they dont want inflation to repeat again. This is also the reason why Powell said that most officials did not modify their forecasts at the data release conference. Being cautious is also a reverse regulation of optimistic sentiment. 2. Once bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of the rope for ten years. The Fed may intend to avoid repeating the mistake of opening champagne in advance last year. We have talked about it before. The market needs to gradually confirm the positive signals, and in fact, the Fed does the same. Especially after the lessons learned at the end of last year, we are still very vigilant about the improvement of inflation data in one month. The time window for the Fed to confirm inflation changes may be extended. The CPI in April is not stronger, and the CPI in May is not enough to confirm that inflation has reversed the rebound trend in the first quarter. We may have to look at the data in June and July. From this perspective, the dot plot mentioned earlier predicts 19 votes: 8 predict two rate cuts, 7 predict one rate cut, and 4 predict no rate cuts. There will be a lot of variables at the September interest rate meeting. 3. We have talked about this many times before. The current Federal Reserve has given up forward-looking thinking and follows the data step by step. So we just need to look at the data. In the short term, I personally think that I am still cautiously optimistic: I am optimistic because inflation was not stronger in April, it weakened across the board in May, and the unemployment rate reached a key position of 4%, which determines that there should not be a big drop; But I am cautious because the attitude of the Federal Reserve has not changed, and the market is hesitant about this. Then I also want to look at the data for one or two more months to see if inflation has really reversed the rebound trend in the first quarter. There may be more large-scale fluctuations, which requires us to be more patient and wait for new events or data to stimulate the trend.(来源: Twitter )