Ecosystem construction has made rapid progress, and we have reviewed the RGB++ projects that are in the value trough

2 months ago
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Even though the popularity has faded, the construction of the RGB++ protocol ecosystem has not stagnated, and wallets, DEX, infrastructure, etc. are developing steadily.

Original | Odaily Planet Daily

Author | Golem

Ecosystem construction has made rapid progress, and we have reviewed the RGB++ projects that are in the value trough

RGB++ is an extension protocol based on RGB. Technically, it also uses one-time seals and client verification to manage state changes and transaction verification. Unlike the RGB protocol, which requires users to run client verification transactions, RGB++ maps Bitcoin UTXO to the Cell of Nervos CKB through isomorphic binding, and directly uses Nervos CKB as the DA layer. Although it sacrifices some privacy, it brings Turing-complete contract expansion and performance expansion to Bitcoin without cross-chain and security loss.

Due to the superiority of the design and the market FOMO caused by the issuance of the first asset Seal, even in the absence of an ecosystem, the Hong Kong conference in April seemed to have become the main venue for the RGB++ protocol, and people were afraid of missing out on the RGB++ train of future wealth. However, with the passage of time, the popularity of the RGB++ protocol has declined in just one month, and the floor price of the leading asset Seal has fallen by more than 70% from its peak, and the trading volume has also shrunk.

Whether the RGB++ protocol is a flash in the pan or accumulating strength in the trough, the degree of ecological construction is the best test standard. Below, Odaily Planet Daily will review the RGB++ ecological projects from the perspectives of wallets, DEX, infrastructure, entertainment, tools, etc., in order to present to readers the current status of the ecological development after the launch of the protocol.



JoyID is a multi-chain, cross-platform wallet built on Nervos CKB. It allows users to create and use wallets using biometrics without using passwords or mnemonics. It is also the first wallet to support RGB++ assets. Users can not only use it to transfer RGB++ assets on the Bitcoin mainnet, but also use its built-in DEX to trade RGB++ assets on the second-layer Nervos CKB.

Ecosystem construction has made rapid progress, and we have reviewed the RGB++ projects that are in the value trough

REI Wallet

REI Wallet is a native Nervos CKB browser plug-in wallet that is currently compatible with the RGB++ protocol. The testnet version was released on April 25. Although it currently supports the mainnet, it is reportedly still under testing.

Ecosystem construction has made rapid progress, and we have reviewed the RGB++ projects that are in the value trough



HueHub is the first launch platform and decentralized exchange based on RGB++ assets on the Bitcoin mainnet. Users can fairly issue and mint RGB++ assets on the platform and trade them on the mainnet. HueHub supports connecting to mainstream Bitcoin wallets such as JoyID, Unisat, and OKX.

Ecosystem construction has made rapid progress, and we have reviewed the RGB++ projects that are in the value trough


Omiga is the first decentralized exchange based on RGB++ assets on the second-layer Nervos CKB. It was originally an Inscription project built on Nervos CKB. When the RGB++ protocol became popular, it chose to build for the RGB++ ecosystem. Currently, the platform already supports the function of bulk purchases.

Ecosystem construction has made rapid progress, and we have reviewed the RGB++ projects that are in the value trough


Nomadland is a Bitcoin service provider that supports RGB++ assets. Currently, it mainly develops the trading market for RGB++ assets, and the AMM swap function is expected to be launched in mid-May. At the same time, Nomadland has also developed an RGB++ plug-in wallet, which supports RGB++ assets in the BTC mainnet and the second-layer Nervos CKB, which is a free two-way Leap.

Ecosystem construction has made rapid progress, and we have reviewed the RGB++ projects that are in the value trough


UTXOSwap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) protocol based on the BTC ecosystem, which aims to provide users with a better trading experience through intent-based transactions. Its main features include integrating the advantages of order books and AMMs, higher transaction efficiency, and lower transaction gas. UTXOSwap will first support the trading of assets in the RGB++ and CKB ecosystems, and plans to support other BTC ecosystem assets such as Ordinals and Runes in the future. However, it has only released a white paper so far, and is expected to be publicly tested at the end of May.

Ecosystem construction has made rapid progress, and we have reviewed the RGB++ projects that are in the value trough


UTXO Stack

UTXO Stack was launched by blockchain software development company CELL Studio . It is RAAS (Rollup as a Service) in the Bitcoin ecosystem, similar to OP Stack in the Ethereum ecosystem. It can help developers issue BTC Layer 2 based on the UTXO architecture with one click. It is also natively compatible with the RGB++ protocol, allowing assets to be seamlessly transferred between BTC and the isomorphic UTXO chain without the need for a cross-chain bridge. At the same time, it also incorporates the Restaking concept proposed by EigenLayer, which can ensure the security of the isomorphic chain by staking assets such as BTC and CKB.

UTXO Stack has completed its seed round of financing, led by ABCDE Capital and SNZ Holding, with participation from OKX Ventures, Waterdrip Capital and others. The amount was not disclosed.

Ecosystem construction has made rapid progress, and we have reviewed the RGB++ projects that are in the value trough



Stable++ is the first over-collateralized stablecoin issued based on the RGB++ protocol. It issues the stablecoin USDPP by over-collateralizing BTC and CKB. Using the Leap function of the RGB++ protocol, USDPP can circulate freely in the Bitcoin blockchain and other UTXO isomorphic chains. The Stable++ team members mainly come from Google, Stanford University, University of California, Berkeley, etc., and it has also received investment from the CKB Eco Fund.

Ecosystem construction has made rapid progress, and we have reviewed the RGB++ projects that are in the value trough


World 3

World 3 is a Bitcoin autonomous world based on the RGB++ protocol and digital objects (DOB). World 3 will use the Bitcoin mainnet as the asset control layer of digital objects, and Nervos CKB as the DA layer and smart contract layer of digital objects, connecting Bitcoin and other ecological chains.

The team plans to airdrop DOB on the BTC mainnet and gradually open interactive test scenarios based on DOB. World 3 has previously received $6 million in financing, with participation from Animoca Brands, Dapper Labs, EVG, Com 2 uS and other companies.

Ecosystem construction has made rapid progress, and we have reviewed the RGB++ projects that are in the value trough


SilentBerry is a Web3 digital music distribution platform based on the RGB++ protocol, providing a one-stop ecological service for the issuance, investment, and income distribution of digital music assets. Among them, the FT asset $Berry will be issued on the BTC mainnet, with a total supply of 66 million, 10,000 $Berry per piece, a total of 6,600 pieces, and NFT assets will be issued on Nervos CKB and other blockchain ecosystems.

The product is not yet online, but the SilentBerry platform is expected to be officially launched in May or June.

Ecosystem construction has made rapid progress, and we have reviewed the RGB++ projects that are in the value trough



.bit is a decentralized identity protocol under On April 15, it announced support for the RGB++ protocol, enabling .bit to run on the BTC network. Currently, .bit already supports the binding and resolution of Bitcoin addresses, and Bitcoin and RGB++ assets can be transferred directly through .bit. At the same time, .bit plans to create a multi-chain DID based on the Bitcoin blockchain and across other chain ecosystems.

Ecosystem construction has made rapid progress, and we have reviewed the RGB++ projects that are in the value trough



Metaforo is a long-established decentralized community governance protocol established in 2021. On May 9, it announced support for the RGB++ protocol. Users can use CKB or RGB++ assets to participate in decentralized community governance, vote, or take snapshots. The first asset on RGB++, $seal, is the first RGB++ community to access the Metaforo protocol for voting and governance.

Ecosystem construction has made rapid progress, and we have reviewed the RGB++ projects that are in the value trough


CKB Explorer

CKB Explorer is a browser for the Nervos CKB blockchain. It not only allows you to understand the Nervos CKB network operation data, but also supports viewing RGB++ assets and related transactions.

Ecosystem construction has made rapid progress, and we have reviewed the RGB++ projects that are in the value trough


Haste is a community-developed RGB++ asset manager. Wallets that do not support the RGB++ protocol, such as OKX Wallet, Unisat, etc., can transfer RGB++ assets through this manager.


In summary, even as the market heat has subsided, the RGB++ ecosystem has not stagnated, and key ecosystem components such as wallets, DEX, and infrastructure are being steadily built. From the launch of the protocol concept in February to the launch of the mainnet in April, in just a few months, multiple projects have been filling the gaps in its ecosystem. In fact, this is also a rapid development among the many asset protocols in the Bitcoin ecosystem.

However, the RGB++ protocol is not without controversy. Some community members criticized it for piggybacking on the RGB protocol concept and expressed concerns about its over-reliance on Nervos CKB. Maxim Orlovsky, the founder of the RGB protocol, also published an article stating that RGB++ has nothing to do with RGB.

Related Reading

Vernacular Manual: Understand RGB and RGB++ Protocol Design in One Article

Vernacular interpretation of the latest progress of RGB++ protocol and ecology

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