Bitget AMA Record: Bitget Sixth Anniversary, Old Friends Night

1 months ago
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In the past six years, what eye-catching changes has Bitget undergone?

On September 13, Bitget held an online topic interview on TwitterSpace with the theme of Bitgets Sixth Anniversary, Old Friends Night. This interview was co-hosted by Odaily and Bitgets Chinese director Xie Jiayin, and was fortunate to invite Lao Zhang, Fu Lu Shou, Xiao Shu Miao, Crypto Frontline and others to discuss and share the topic.

Bitget AMA Record: Bitget Sixth Anniversary, Old Friends Night

Looking back six years ago, what was your career like? What opportunities led you to enter the crypto industry?

Mr. Zhang:

I entered the industry in early 2014. Before entering the crypto industry, I worked in consulting for a short period of time. At that time, I expanded from the training industry to consulting, and then I accidentally came into contact with a crypto company called Shark Coin. An investor of Shark Coin, a Beijing-based company, asked us to do consulting. At that time, I was in Beijing and Garage Coffee was also in Beijing. After meeting them, I drove to Garage Coffee to attend the salon of Garage Coffee. I met Erbao in the first session. Erbao introduced Ethereum at that time for 10 yuan. By chance, I entered this industry, but I bought very little at that time, just starting out. The market was relatively scarce at that time, with only spot contracts, which was much more boring than it is now.

Although I have been in the industry for a long time, I have been in and out of it three times. In fact, I quit the circle twice in the middle, from a practitioner to a coin investor, then back to a practitioner, and then back to a coin investor.


Actually, six years ago, I was still a very ordinary employee of a foreign company. Later, it was an opportunity. I wrote a post on Twitter, and then I purposefully looked for some side jobs. During that time, I often posted on Tianya. At that time, I was considered an Internet celebrity on Tianya. The post with the highest number of views reached 2 million. Later, Tianya launched a section called Blockchain Planet. At that time, there were rewards for posting, including replying and liking. These rewards could be directly sold for U on the exchange.

So I worked hard to post and comment on Tianya every day, and also started to get in touch with blockchain. At that time, the price of Bitcoin was only around 3,000 US dollars.

Later, some fans added me on WeChat and told me that Bihu had more blockchain-related content, so we set up a WeChat group and posted on Bihu together. I gained a deeper understanding of blockchain-related knowledge and gradually went from a newbie to where I am today.

Fortune, Longevity and Happiness:

Six years ago, in 2018, that was probably the darkest time in my life. My fathers generation was engaged in business and had their own factories. After I graduated from college, I worked in my own factory, and then it went bankrupt six years ago. At that time, I owed more than 20 million yuan in bank loans, hundreds of thousands of yuan on credit cards, and more than a dozen online loans and micro loans. I tried every way to make money.

At this dark moment, I met a noble person who was doing quantitative work in the cryptocurrency circle and had a relatively large scale. However, I had no knowledge of programming and strategy, so he suggested that I try OTC, buy and sell, and make a little profit from the price difference. Since then, I have been doing this until today. I think I am a very lucky person. I met a noble person who was willing to help me, and then I met this industry that gave me a platform to develop and pursue my dreams.

Sugar Brother:

Six years ago, I was still a student. I had a special liking for stocks and liked to consult other people’s views and opinions. Unfortunately, I was deceived the first time I entered the cryptocurrency circle. During the consultation process, someone recommended a fixed investment plate to me, but later I found out that it was a CX plate.

I only got back 1/3 of the tokens, which means I was cheated of 2/3 of the money. However, I used 1/3 of the principal to seize the opportunity of the surge in EOS. I made a lot of money through EOS. Although I felt cheated, I found that there were still opportunities in the cryptocurrency circle. Around 21 years ago, I started to speculate in cryptocurrencies. Later, I came into contact with a community. Through communication and exchanges with everyone, I also learned some knowledge about the cryptocurrency circle. In other words, by chance, I entered the cryptocurrency circle from the stock circle.

Do you remember how you felt when you first came into contact with Bitget? How have your feelings changed over the years of using Bitget?

Mr. Zhang:

I actually registered quite late because I don’t play contracts or trade cryptocurrencies. But Bitget is doing pretty well, with a full range of product features, copy trading, strategies, contracts, and Launchpool’s new listings. I think Bitget basically meets the needs of most retail investors, and I believe Bitget will get better and better in the future.


When I first came into contact with Bitget, I was really examining it, because I had been discussing with my friends whether to stock up on some BGB. Because the price of BGB was around 0.4 at the time, we also looked at the market value, did a lot of comparisons and investment research, and asked some bigwigs in the circle. Combined with the situation at the time, I felt that BGB still had great potential. Later, I met Mr. Lu, and worked as Bitget Builder for a while, and had a deeper contact with the Bitget team, so I directly bought 100,000 BGBs at that time. In summary, my attitude towards Bitget has changed from initial scrutiny to current trust, which is the biggest change after I used Bitget.

Fortune, Longevity and Happiness:

I saw many people mention Bitget on Twitter at the beginning, but I actually downloaded Bitget when Jiayin joined the company. I thought that Jiayin’s joining Bitget meant that this exchange should be quite reliable, so I bought BGB for the first time.
Initially, I felt that Bitget was a third-tier or fourth-tier exchange, but with the development in just one or two years, I think Bitget has the potential to become a first-tier exchange. In my opinion, Bitget is people-oriented and always puts the users ideas and opinions first. It solves any difficulties and problems that users encounter as soon as possible, which is a great experience. Through these actions, we can analyze that Bitgets views, from leaders to employees and middle-level managers, are on the right track, and we also wish Bitget to become one of the top three soon.

Family seal:

I would like to share some latest developments with you. At around 5 oclock this afternoon, I looked at the data. Our current trading volume is 18.2 billion US dollars, which is only 3 billion US dollars away from OKs 21 billion US dollars. This gap is gradually narrowing.

In addition, Bitget is currently the worlds fourth largest derivatives trading platform. Our contract market share is 27%, and the overall market share is 10.4%, ranking fourth. The number of visits to the official website exceeds 30 million per month.

Every piece of data is because our users support us. Without our users, we are nothing. So for Bitget, we always remember one sentence, that is, put the interests of users first, put the services of users first, put the needs of users and the feedback of users first. Whoever wins the users wins the world. We will continue to serve all users well and strive to satisfy all users.

In fact, you can see that our team, whether it is our employees, our volunteers, or our angels, they have infiltrated all communities. As long as there is a community, you can find people from Bitget. This is one thing we want to do, so that everyone can find us and give users enough sense of security.

Sugar Brother:

I may be one of the first users and promoters of BG, because I entered the market when BG was first promoted. At that time, there were a few scattered mainstream currency contracts on BG, and there was no spot product. The only spot product was BFT, the predecessor of BGB, and the price was very cheap at that time.

When I first entered the circle, I had a small amount of funds, so contracts were my most important trading behavior. After almost a year, I bought 150,000 BFTs. Why did I buy BFT? Because I was one of the first users and witnessed the growth of Bitget step by step.

Then when BFT announced that it would be listed on the spot market, I made about 300,000 in a week. Later, BFT evolved into BGB. This part of the profit laid the foundation for my growth from a coin friend to a crypto practitioner in the currency circle.

I was just over 20 years old at the time and didn’t have much savings. My parents didn’t support me at first, but since I made money, they not only didn’t object, but also gave me a large sum of money to support me. So my fate with BG is very deep. I am very grateful for the existence of BG. It really changed the trajectory of my life. So whether from a personal perspective or from a practical perspective, I am very optimistic about the future development of BG.

In these six years, what changes do you think have struck you about Bitget?


The first is the grasp and discovery of hot spots. Everyone knows that Bitget lists coins very quickly. In addition, product updates are also very fast. For example, in pre-market trading, Bitget often lists some hot coins at the first time, such as DOGS.
Secondly, I am most impressed by the content section. The content section has been very rich recently, and the content inside is updated very quickly, keeping up with hot topics.

Finally, I think there is one more thing that I would like to mention, which is PooX and Launchpool. Although I havent done any statistics, I think these two products should allow participants to earn millions of tokens every month. PoolX is a new sector, and the speed of new products is very fast. I personally have earned good returns in both PoolX and Launchpool. If you have idle funds, you can pay attention to these two sectors.

Fortune, Longevity and Happiness:

In the current market, operators and KOLs who can show their faces are scarce resources. What impressed me most was that Jiayin suddenly announced to join Bitget. A scarce resource chose to join a newly emerging platform, which indirectly confirmed the development prospects and potential of the platform.

Family seal:

In fact, I have been open to the public since I entered the industry in 2018. Personally, I am willing to integrate with users and the community. I am also very willing to stand from the users perspective to help them solve and explore problems.

When Bitget invited me to join, I didnt hesitate at all. Because there were already some old friends in Bitget. They have been able to grow with the platform for so many years, which must be because the boss is good, the platform is good, and there is enough development time to see the prospects.

Sugar Brother:

I am one of the first users of Bitget. In the past 6 years, there have been so many things that have amazed me. Overall, I feel very comfortable using Bitget, thats all.

Looking ahead, what are your expectations and prospects for Bitget or the entire crypto industry in the next six years?

Mr. Zhang:

In fact, I will write a prediction on Twitter at the end of every year. The industry may become more and more compliant, and governments will set higher entry barriers. The era of wild growth is over.

The same is true for the exchange ecosystem, especially centralized exchanges, where competition is extremely fierce and it is necessary to seize the time windows of the industry and policies.

Fortune, Longevity and Happiness:

I hope Bitget can continue to stand from the users perspective, keep iterating, and provide a better experience for all users.


I hope Bitget will continue to work hard, maintain its position in the top three in the industry, and become a trading platform with voice and influence. In the next six years, I also hope to grow with Bitget.

Sugar Brother:

The crypto industry is becoming more and more compliant, which is a good thing for us technical traders. I came into contact with BG 6 years ago and watched it go from being unknown to being aligned with the Big Three. I sincerely wish BG the best and hope that BG will get better and better.

Family seal:

It is not easy for any platform, especially one in the crypto field, to survive for 6 years and still be able to survive well. We may have had hardships and setbacks in this process, but we have always been with you. At present, our daily trading volume exceeds 10 billion US dollars, and the monthly visits exceed 30 million times. In the first half of this year, our capital inflow reached 779 million US dollars. I believe that this is because the trust of users in us is constantly increasing. We will cherish this trust, continue to innovate, and continuously optimize and improve to provide better services for everyone.

Original article, author:Bitget研究院。Reprint/Content Collaboration/For Reporting, Please Contact;Illegal reprinting must be punished by law.

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