Gracys open letter: Three stories of Bitgets growth against the trend

1 months ago
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On the sixth anniversary of Bitget, Gracy Chen shared some stories of the team.

Gracys open letter: Three stories of Bitgets growth against the trend

A few weeks ago, I was sitting on a hotel balcony in Japan, looking out at Mount Fuji, and on the phone with one of the founders of Bitget. He was talking about a type of people that annoyed him, and he said the following, which made me smile and think to myself, “This is Bitget, I love the work culture here!”

He told me that the other party tried to flatter him, but he felt that the other party did not understand one truth: You should focus on results and goals, and dont care too much about other peoples evaluation of you. There are not so many audiences in life. The real great people are all praised and criticized. The nice guys are essentially useless people.

This year, Bitget is six years old! This is my third birthday with Bitget, but my first birthday as CEO. I am very happy to celebrate with this excellent team, and I have always believed that what makes us stand out in the industry is our focus on results and goals.

From managing director to CEO, I have witnessed Bitgets counter-cyclical growth time and time again. In our internal meetings, we even often joked that Bitget has never enjoyed industry dividends. We missed the ICO boom in 2017, the DeFi Summer in 2021, and the Inscription explosion in 2023.

But it turns out that none of this matters. What really matters is our persistence, hard work, strategic vision and continuous innovation. It is these qualities that have driven Bitget to become the top four crypto exchanges in the world in terms of trading volume, with more than 45 million users.

I have a deep relationship with Bitget. As a mother of a six-year-old, I often feel that watching Bitget grow is similar to watching my own son grow. When I first joined the company, Bitget had been established for more than three years, and in the past two and a half years, our entire team has worked together to promote the companys global development. The number of users, trading volume and overall strength have increased significantly in these two and a half years. Today, we are among the top exchanges in the industry. I believe that apart from the founding team, no one cares more about the development of Bitget than I do, and I am also excited and proud to lead Bitget to open a new chapter.

Speaking of Bitgets team, I not only appreciate everyones professional skills (we are very lucky to have such a group of talents, and we also regard talent density as the basis of corporate innovation), but also admire their spirit of continuous self-improvement and always being enterprising. We give everyone a high degree of freedom, because everyone knows that more freedom means greater responsibility. Our corporate culture attracts and cultivates people who are consistent with our values. They focus on results, are self-driven, and are innovative. Good decision-making and management are not top-down control, but self-driven, based on the experience and wisdom of each frontline fighter. It is this attitude that has driven Bitgets rapid growth.

We couldn’t have been here without our 1,500 Bitget team members, so on this special sixth anniversary, I wanted to share some of their stories.

Gracys open letter: Three stories of Bitgets growth against the trend

Story 1: The $50,000 Lost and Found

One day, Arman received an urgent email at work.

Arman was once a star customer service of a leading exchange. In 2023, he was attracted by Bitgets corporate culture and joined our customer service team. Customer service work is not limited to solving small problems, but also has to deal with some difficult big troubles. On this day, a user sent an email claiming that my $50,000 is gone! Arman immediately took up the challenge.

After learning more about the situation, Arman found out that the user had invested in cryptocurrency for less than three months and had recently deposited ETH, but the funds had not been received after 12 hours. He checked the blockchain browser and found that the gas fee was low and the network was not congested. So he contacted the technical staff to query through the UID. It turned out that the user had chosen the wrong blockchain network when recharging, resulting in the failure to receive the funds. After confirming that the funds were safe, he immediately helped the user initiate a refund application and successfully recovered the $50,000, which made the user feel relieved.

Arman is one of Bitgets 170 customer service staff. In 2024, the team has responded to 1.5 million customer service requests, with an average response time of only 2.5 minutes. In the face of various asset loss incidents caused by choosing the wrong chain, this year it has helped users recover nearly $1 million in virtual assets.

Story 2: Product solutions without reference to competitors’ products

Jiren sat in the conference room, feeling a little tight in his chest - this meeting was a little different from what he had imagined.

As a product expert, Jiren has started businesses in the advertising, gaming and other industries, and has also served as a product manager for a well-known e-commerce company. As more and more friends around him are engaged in Web3, he has also become interested in the crypto world. At the end of 2022, Jiren became a product manager at Bitget through internal referral.

The first project after taking office was to revise a product that was launched two years ago. Based on past experience, Jiren decided to start with research. Within a week, he communicated with 12 relevant personnel, from internal colleagues to product operations, and then to retail users and institutional users. With the user pain points he discovered, Jiren confidently appeared at the revision plan discussion meeting.

However, the situation was not as smooth as he imagined. Before he could elaborate, another product colleague said: Our competitors already have mature solutions, and it would be safer to follow their steps.

Jiren disagreed with this view. He responded firmly: I have talked to their users. From the research results, I can see that the competitors solution cannot fully meet the needs of users.

With detailed data and real feedback, Jiren finally convinced the team: You will never surpass your competitors by blindly following them.

According to Jirens plan, the product that was finally launched did not only pursue the beauty of the interface, but also improved the experience and efficiency based on the users habits and intuition. After the product was launched, the user growth exceeded 50% in just three months.

Creating safe, efficient and intelligent products is Bitgets brand mission. In 2024, we launched innovative products such as AI trading robots that combine AI with strategies, pre-market markets and pre-deposits that allow investors to invest in high-quality assets one step ahead of others, and PoolX that mines new coins 24/7, providing more profit opportunities for explorers in the crypto jungle.

Story 3: Experts on solving network congestion

Zoies eyes lit up. This new feature that no one had noticed might be the key to breaking the deadlock.

As a technical expert at Bitget Wallet, Zoie is particularly focused on the application and experience of the Solana ecosystem. In 2023, during the Meme coin boom, she began to notice that users kept reporting the same problem. Bitget Wallet users complained about the slow transfer speed and increased failure rate of the Solana network, especially when the Solana Memecoin outbreak was concentrated.

Zoie decided to investigate further. She found that Solana had recently introduced a new feature called Priority Fees, where verification nodes would prioritize transactions based on transaction fees, and most non-custodial wallets did not yet support this feature. She quickly applied this feature and optimized the dynamic transaction fee adjustment mechanism, which helped users complete transactions faster when the network was congested. Although the average gas fee increased slightly, the Solana chain transaction success rate of Bitget Wallet users increased from less than 50% to nearly 90%.

Whenever a new public chain emerges, Bitget Wallet is always at the forefront, providing all-round ecological support. Step by step, it currently supports more than 100 public chains. In July this year, Bitget Wallets monthly downloads surpassed MetaMask for the first time, and due to its rapid support for public chains such as TON, it topped the App Store in Nigeria and other countries.

The stories of several employees are actually a reflection of Bitgets growth process. We always put users first, build products around user needs, and actively embrace the new wave of Web3.

Although we have achieved certain results in the past six years, Bitget is still a startup compared to the worlds top companies. Like the crypto industry, we still have a long way to go. Whenever I face challenges, I always think of the sentence in Steve Jobss biography, I want to put a dent in the universe (live to change the world). People are born ordinary, but they are different because of their persistence in dreams.

Who are we, where do we come from, and where are we going? With the guidance of our dreams, we are no longer confused and hesitant. Think Big, Think Long, we will continue to create history and change the world together with the crypto industry.

Six years is just the beginning, and our journey is far from over. We will continue to move towards new challenges and look forward to seeing you at the next peak!

pay tribute,

Gracy Chen, CEO of Bitget

Original article, author:Bitget研究院。Reprint/Content Collaboration/For Reporting, Please Contact;Illegal reprinting must be punished by law.

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